Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Pre-Season Task: Get Real

Time to do the pre-season tasks for the next round. I think I did ok last round, but I definitely need to work on the mindset stuff, so here we go...

The first task is to write down all my excuses and my solutions. This is pretty common sense, the trick is remembering all this stuff "in the heat of the moment" and making the right choices. Think I might need to put this somewhere more easily accessible so I can keep referring back to it!

Internal Excuses

  • I've worked out today so I can eat whatever I want
  • If I eat too much I can throw it up
  • I just can't be bothered sticking to my plan (eating or exercising)
  • I'll start over again tomorrow


  • Change my thinking to: "I've worked out today so I'm on my way towards my goals and the scales will say I am lighter in the morning if I don't succumb to my cravings"
  • Drink some water and wait a while to make sure I am actually hungry and not just wanting something
  • Throwing up is SO bad for me, it makes me feel depressed and down about myself and is not something I want to continue doing
  • Eating only gives me shot term momentary pleasure, but in the longer term I feel fat and gross and like I've let myself down
  • Practise mindful eating - don't do anything else while I am eating, focus on the food and taste of it, and learn to recognise when I am getting full - sit at the table and ensure the TV is off and discuss the food or other things with Greg - need to work out how to do this at lunch time too.
  • Tomorrow never comes - start now or risk never getting to my goals
  • Pull out my plan for the week and stick to it!
  • Get out my goal clothes, or look at a photo of me being fat or being thin and think about what I want
  • Read through my goals and these excuses and solutions
  • If all else fails, stop being useless, suck it up and JFDI! I will be so happy that I did!

External Excuses - In My Control

  • I've got other things I could/should be doing which are more important (even though they are not)
  • I'm too tired
  • It's an event so I should eat and drink whatever I want otherwise I won't have fun and other people will think I'm a party pooper

  • Those other things can wait - I've planned for this and I do have time to do it if I get off my butt right now and JFDI
  • I might be tired, but I will be even more so if I don't exercise and eat the right food
  • Doing the right thing gives me a boost, and I'm going to be tired anyway, so may as well be tired and feel good about myself at the same time!
  • Who cares what others think?
  • Remember that I can have fun without drinking and I can say no
  • Remember my goals, and that each thing I don't eat or drink now helps me get those goals and the rewards that go with them

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