Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Day 10 - Attack!

Left over Cannellini Bean Stew with
Crispy Polenta for lunch at my desk
Crawled out of bed again this morning bright and early for my Body Attack class - which I really enjoyed!  Don't know why I ever stopped doing exercise.  I do really enjoy it, even if it's hard at the time, I just feel so good after!
Had bean stew for dinner last night, and though it sounds gross it was actually really yummy.  Ok, maybe if I give it the proper name it might sound nicer - Cannellini Bean Stew with Crispy Polenta.  Nah, still sounds a bit gross, but it's not.  Just heated up my left overs for lunch and am eating at my desk again. Just looked out the window and it's gorgeous out there.  Should probably get outside more often at lunch time.  Maybe will go for a walk in a bit.

Had my week 2 weigh in this morning, and am down 4.2kgs since the 12WBT start, and almost 7kgs if you include pre-season!  How awesome is that?  Just need to keep it up and I will look amazing in no time!  Feeling pretty good.  One thing I have noticed though is that I get so cold when I am eating healthily and exercising lots.  Last night in bed I was freezing no matter how many layers I wore and blankets I covered myself in.  And it wasn't even that cold a night.  And I had the heater on.  Been freezing at my desk today too.  Should really get out into the sunshine more.

Dinner - Asian Chicken Patties w Warm Noodle Salad.  So fresh!
Ended up being at work late, then coming home and having to work more on Club System stuff.  Boring!  Wanted to go to the driving range and play more game but no time.  Luckily my wonderful Greg made me dinner, and I think from the dishes sounds has cleaned up too.  Dinner was the Asian Chicken Patties.  Greg added some extra spices and stuff and they were really yummy, and tasted so healthy.  I love the bean sprouts.  I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband!  Going to go ask him to do wall sits with me now before bed!

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