Monday, 26 August 2013

Day 15 - Excellence is a habit

Was feeling really down this morning.  Made some bad food choices over the weekend.  Out for dinner on Friday, Fish n Chips on Saturday then Burgers for lunch and Chinese takeaways for dinner on Sunday.  Each on it's own would have been fine, but all of them together in one weekend?  What was I thinking?  Let's just say the number on the scales didn't make me very happy this morning.

Woke up at 3 to go to the bathroom, and then felt like I'd been back in bed about 5mins when the alarm went off.  I so nearly didn't get up, but glad I dragged myself out of bed.  Did the Burning Bridges video.  Was pretty good.  I think I work harder in the classes at the gym though.  Was pretty sluggish to begin with but got going eventually and worked hard for the last half.

Had the normal breakfast of oats and grated pear with Greg then to work.  However I then made anotehr bad decision - scrambled eggs wrap on the way in to work.  When I first started this job I thought it was great there is a cafe downstairs in the same building.  Now I hate it!  So hard to walk past every morning.  Was just sitting at my desk feeling super sorry for myself.  I have a bit of a headache, and don't want to be here.  I'm really bored and unmotivated - that's what I was thinking.  Then I put on the latest MB video- Replacing Old Habits.  As I was listening I started feeling a little better.  Sure, I stuffed up.  But that doesn't mean I need to keep in this mindset and continue being useless today.  I can start again right here right now.  I can celebrate my achievements.  She said when you walk out of the petrol store with just water and petrol celebrate it - feel like a rockstar!  So, I may have made some bad choices, but I made some good ones to, so time to celebrate those, forget about the bad ones, and continue to just make good ones that make me feel like a rockstar!

So, here's what makes me feel like a rockstar this weekend:
  • I did my SSS on Saturday morning and followed it with a run - smashed both and felt great!
  • I made Greg and I wraps to take to Centennial Park for our picnic - they were really yummy and was so nice to spend time chilling in the sun and not feeling guilty
  • I took vege sticks and hummus to the beach for snacks - more guilt-free time relaxing 
  • I didn't have a shake when we got burgers - really wanted one, but really didn't need it!
  • I completed the 30 mins wall sit challenge - and managed 4 whole mins in one sitting!
  • I made myself get out of bed and do my workout this morning - felt so good once it was done
She also gave Aristotle's quote about excellence being a habit:

We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


The challenge this week is all about habits and giving up a vice - check out my plan: Week Three Challenge - Give Up A Vice

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