Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Day 9 - Shockwave

Great morning this morning.  As I was going to a gym class instead of working out at home, I actually got a sleep in as the class doesn't start until 7.  My body must be used to getting up earlier already though as I was awake before my alarm.  I did just lie in bed relaxing, but I think next time it happens I will get up and use the time on something productive.  I have so much to do that it won't be a problem to find something!  Even if it's just the dishes or washing!

Went to a shockwave class which was awesome.  Basically circuits centered around rowers.  The rowers have a set distance to row, and we all rotate once they are done.  This morning we did: Situps, Triceps, Rowing, Biceps, Situps, Squats, Rowing and Lunges.  We did this 3 times, the first while the rowers went 200m. I got 35secs on this, the fastest equal.  The second for 300m, this time the fastest with 56 secs, and finally 100m - and again fastest equal on 18s.  Pretty happy since I haven't been for ages.  Helps to be tall!  There's one other girl who's close to the same as me, and the rest are all loads slower (and shorter).

Went straight from the gym to work, and was pretty happy I was so prepared last night.  Was starving, and was able to have my breakfast sitting in the sun while waiting for the train - had packed my oats, complete with grated apple and milk.  Yum!  Put the milk on last night and it had mostly soaked in - I like it like that!

Just had lunch.  Last nights left over Korean Beef Hot Pot.  I thought it was ok, but Greg rated it as the best meal so far!

Got to play some of our new game last night.  In fact got a bit into it and forgot to make dinner until quite late!  It's good, but super geeky and pretty involved.  We only got a third through the game in about an hour.  Were playing super slowly though as didn't know the rules.  It's quite a cool game based on Jack the Ripper.  Hopefully can play some more tonight, though maybe we'll cook dinner first this time!

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